Monday, May 08, 2017 by JD Heyes
An expert in nuclear weapons design and delivery and member of the Congressional EMP Commission says it’s very likely North Korea is developing technology that would enable it to launch a small-yield nuclear weapon from a satellite that is capable of knocking much of the U.S. power grid.
Dr. Vincent P. Pry, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News radio host Aaron Kline over the weekend, noted that much of the international community and global news media are focused on North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile tests and its nuclear weapons program. However, he said the real danger comes from the EMP – electromagnetic pulse – threat that has the potential to destroy most of our electric-powered infrastructure.
Pry, executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and chief of staff of the EMP commission, noted that North Korea has two satellites currently orbiting above the U.S. at trajectories that are prime for a surprise EMP attack. (RELATED: North Korea Ready To Nuke America … “World Should Be Ready” Warns High-Level Defector Who Confirms Nuke Launch Plans With NBC News)
Those satellites – the KMS 3-2 and KMS-4 – are earth observation vehicles that Pyongyang launched in April 2012 and February 2016 respectively.
“They are positioning themselves as sort of a nuclear missile age, cyberage version of the battleship diplomacy in my view,” he told Kline. “So that they can always have one of them (satellites) very close to being over the United States or over the United States.”
He said the plan is to essentially prevent any U.S. attack on North Korea, under threat of EMP retaliation.
“…[I]f a crisis comes up and if we decide to attack North Korea, [Leader] Kim Jong-un can threaten our president and say, ‘Well, don’t do that because we are going to burn your whole country down.’ Which is basically what he said. I mean, he has made threats about turning the United States into ashes and he connected the satellite program to this in public statements to deter us from attacking.”
Pry said the North Koreans may be mimicking a technology he said was developed during the Cold War by the Soviet Union, in which an attack via EMP was one element of a surprise assault against the U.S. aimed at destroying much of the U.S. military.
“During the Cold War, the Russians had a secret weapon they called a fractional orbital bombardment system,” Pry said, adding that the strategy involved a preemptive EMP attack using a warhead disguised as a satellite.
“The idea was to put a nuclear weapon on a satellite,” he said. “Launch it on a trajectory toward the south so it is also flying away from the United States. Orbit it over the South Pole and come up on the other side of the earth so that it approaches from the south.”
Earlier, a report co-authored by Pry and former CIA Director James Woolsey for the commission found that an EMP attack that destroyed a large swath of the power grid would result in a 90 percent death rate among Americans, from starvation, societal collapse and deprivation.
Interestingly, there are several skeptics, many from the Left, that believe this kind of technology and scenario could not possibly exist.
In an April column for Newsmax, Pry took on National Public Radio for its focus on interviewing “experts” on this topic who, frankly, are not:
[O]n April 27, NPR science editor Geoff Brunfield (who, according to his NPR bio, has a Master’s in science writing from Johns Hopkins University) interviewed EMP non-expert Jeffrey Lewis in a segment titled “The North Korean Electromagnetic Pulse Threat, Or Lack Thereof.”
Why Brunfield would interview Jeffrey Lewis about EMP, and not the vastly more knowledgeable former Director of Central Intelligence Jim Woolsey, is explicable only as a combination of incompetence and possible NPR bias against the “politically incorrect” EMP threat.
The technology has long existed, Pry argues, dating back to 1962-63 when the Soviets conducted successful EMP tests. (RELATED: If You Want To Know Which REAL Assets Will Survive War, Revolution And Financial Collapse, Listen To The Health Ranger’s Advice)
As for the what would happen to American society if the U.S power grid suffered major widespread damage, one need only to look at “disasters” on a much, much smaller scale to determine that outcome. What happens in major cities following flooding (New Orleans, 2005) or jury verdicts (Baltimore, Ferguson, Mo., Rodney King) is a microcosm of what would occur in U.S. cities big and small all around the country if our power grid was largely destroyed.
Only a Left-wing kook would dismiss that reality.
Meantime, the Trump administration remains focused on the North Korean threat.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: Collapse, devastation, EMP attack, North Korea, power grid
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