Tuesday, June 06, 2023 by News Editors
According to this March 2nd of 2023 story over at the Institute for Energy Research story titled “Brace Yourself for Coming Electricity Shortages,” anyone who still thinks the U.S. electric grid is immune to blackouts has another thing coming, with their story warning the PJM interconnection just reported insufficient supply of new renewable technology to meet demand as the region which consists of 13 eastern states and the District of Columbia expects to retire 21 percent of its existing generating capacity through 2030.
(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
Meaning that the fossil-fuel power plants that have dominated America’s energy production infrastructure for decades are ‘being retired‘ at a much quicker pace than ‘renewable energy sources‘ are being developed, that story warned such “imbalances” are a guarantee of future shortages and blackouts, with two of the main problems hampering ‘renewable energy sector’ being that solar power is dependent upon the sun shining, and wind power is dependent upon the wind blowing, something humans have little control over, despite being able to ‘manufacture‘ rain and create severe weather events.
And while warnings have gone out about a coming, catastrophic ‘grid down event‘ for many years now, this new warning takes on added importance with the mainstream media and Department of Homeland Security now heavily pushing a ‘narrative,‘ claiming that ‘right wing extremists’ or ‘Russia‘ might attack the power grid, via physical violence, an EMP or even cyber attacks, hinting the globalists themselves are the ones prepping a false flag ‘grid down event‘ that would be an immediate game-changer all across the country. From this May 30th Infowars story.:
Several recent mainstream media reports reveal potential predictive programming being used to get the public ready for alleged right-wing or Russian attacks on the power grid.
CBS Mornings covered a recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report warning far-right activists could be targeting the U.S. power grid as a way to disrupt the country and the government’s ability to operate.
Despite first claiming the attacks would be done by “right-wing” extremists, the actual DHS paper states individuals “adhering to a range of ideologies will likely continue to plot and encourage physical attacks…”
Another CBS fear campaign recently told viewers Russia could target the American power grid system to create chaos.
And with WEF founder Klaus Schwab eerily warning a cyber attack that took down the electrical grid would make the (manufactured) COVID-19 crisis appear to be a “small disturbance in comparison,” proving to us that the globalists have been thinking about a ‘grid down event,‘ who’d put it past them to unleash such a horror upon the American people to finalize their ‘great reset‘ and ‘new world order’?
With a boatload of US Senators recently having been issued satellite phones another sign that ‘government‘ itself is getting ready for things to ‘go hot,’ as CBS News reported of that development, the Senators were issued satellite phones “to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event“ while warning the phones are a security backstop in the case of an emergency that “takes out communications” in part of America. If they’re preparing for it, Americans should be, too.
Yet with at least a whopping 280 million Americans TOTALLY unprepared for a long term grid down event, we remember what ANP friend, the late Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, the former Executive Director of Task Force on National and Homeland Security, a Congressional Advisory Board dedicated to achieving protection of the United States from electromagnetic pulse (EMP,) had long warned us.:
Any kind of ‘event‘ that takes down the electrical grid in America could easily lead to the deaths of 90% of the country or more if the outage lasted a year-and-a-half or longer, with most Americans totally unprepared to live their lives in what would amount to the ‘new dark ages’.
As Dr. Pry had warned ANP back on January 21st of 2022, America was risking ‘Cybergeddon,‘ reporting in that story why ‘cyber warfare‘ is an existential threat that could explode with tragic consequences: All it would take would be ONE coordinated cyberattack that could shut down 80% of the US grid. Think about what America would look like if 80%+ of the country no longer had power!
If you can’t imagine what such a scenario would bring, this story over at Modern Survival Blog titled “Timeline Of Events Following A Long Term Grid Down Catastrophe” gives us an excellent look at a potential timeline of events that would happen when the lights go out in America and as we’ll see, unleashed would be madness unlike anything most of us have ever seen before in our lifetimes.
The cities would be the hardest hit.
– Thousands trapped in elevators
– ALL electrical appliances shut down… refrigerators, heating, A/C
– ATM machines are inoperative
– Banks and other businesses shut down
– Gas stations without generators cannot pump fuel
– For most, profound darkness
Some people are beginning to realize that this is very widespread, and could become a long term grid down situation.
– Water faucets begin to run dry in some areas without utility generators
– Toilets will no longer flush without water pressure
– Law enforcement and responders overwhelmed by emergencies
– Outbreaks of looting in the ‘usual places’
– Batteries on laptops, cell phones, and flashlights are dying
– Those with generators are using up their fuel
– Massive ‘grid lock’ in the city regions, Some vehicles run out of gas and are abandoned
– Conflicting descriptions of power outage, unknown expected duration, but looking more like long term
– Officials disagree regarding recommended actions
– Gas stations running out of fuel (those that could pump)
– Water is at a premium
– Some emergency generators assist in pumping water and sewage (limited)
– Many ‘unprepared’ are running out of food already
– Majority are beginning to panic, as reality sets in of this being a widespread long term grid down event
– Drug stores and grocery stores being stripped in some regions (ANP: That’ll happen the 1st day!)
– The “Oh $h!t” moment of terrifying realization…
– Any .gov emergency rations are depleted
– Hospital generator systems are running out of fuel, Renewed fuel delivery isn’t looking good
– Some of the elderly and infirm are dying
– Hospitals overwhelmed and struggling to perform emergency services
– Martial Law is declared by the government, though most don’t get the message
– Military attempts to maintain a veneer of order, but not enough personnel
– Looting has become rampant, Desperate people join in
– Millions upon millions are ‘on their own’
– People have become deeply frightened and fear for their lives, now knowing that this is going to be a long term grid down catastrophe
– Most are now entirely running out of food to eat
– Many are dying in regions without access to water and the inability to get somewhere else
– Many are dying in regions /climates where there is no heat (if during winter)
– Disease sets in (e.g. typhoid fever, cholera) from eating tainted food, water, poor sanitation
– Many drug dependent patients are dying or are dead
– The millions with severe psychotic disorders (no more meds) create bedlam
– People and communities fighting over resources
– Home invasions and violence related die-offs
– Escaped prisoners, organized gangs, more violence related die-off
– Communities are slowly starving
90% are dead
The timeline of events following a long term grid down will vary based on population density, cities, suburbia, rural, season, and geographical circumstances. However it’s an interesting mental exercise to come up with a ‘best guess’. The process may help motivate more preparedness :=)
What’s your input? Would you add to the above or shift things around a bit?
Giving us another reason to get out of the cities if we haven’t already, the thought of an EMP or other ‘grid down event‘ happening at some point in my lifetime was one of the reasons I moved away from the cities/suburbs over 10 years ago, with the cities/suburbs sure to be among the 1st areas to go off the deep end in such a scenario, especially with at least 4 out of every 5 Americans totally unprepared for SHTF. And it’s long been warned that only 9 meals separate civility from total anarchy and we’d venture a bet that it’ll be far fewer than 9 meals once SHTF and people realize the lights aren’t coming back on.
So as always, the ANP comment section below is wide open for your thoughts on how these things will unfold, and we’d all appreciate any advice you might have for others on how to deal with such a grid-down scenario. Your advice could very well save lives.
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
Tagged Under: Tags: chaos, Collapse, conspiracy, electric grid, electricity, EMP, energy supply, globalist agenda, new dark ages, panic, power grid, power shortage, power supply, SHTF
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